SCCM SQL database not using right Collation

SCCM SQL database not using right Collation

When installing SCCM 2012 R2 you might see this error:

Required SQL Server Collation

Configuration Manager requires that you configure your SQL Server instance and Configuration Manager site database (if already present) to use the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation, unless you are using a Chinese operating system and require GB18030 support.  For information about changing your SQL Server instance and database collations, see  For information about enabling GB18030 support, see


You can se the current SQL server Collation using this query in SQL Server management Studio

select SERVERPROPERTY(‘Collation’)


To change server collation run setup.exe from the SQL Installation media again (in quite mode). In my example the command is:

D:setup /q /action=rebuilddatabase /INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER /SQLCollation=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS=domainadministrator

SQL 2012 DVD is mounted at drive D

Rebuild System Databases

Before doing this please be aware that all user databases you might have will be dropped, so this will primary make sense on a dedicated SCCM SQL server without data!


Let check the collation again and yes it has been changed.


And now we don’t see any error about collation, but notice the new warnings about SQL configuration, that wasn’t there before.

When changing the collation all previously SQL configuration was lost, so you have to do this again.


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