July 30, 2015

WinPE versions

Ok we are booting into Windows PE but how do we determine / identify the version. First of all we need command support in the WIM file (F8), then in the command prompt we can use the command ver From Windows 10 PE (10): From Windows 8.1 PE (5.0): But

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Modern Workplace consultant and a Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Mobility.

Modern Workplace consultant and a Microsoft MVP in Windows and Devices.

Infrastructure architect with focus on Modern Workplace and Microsoft 365 security.

Cloud & security specialist with focus on Microsoft backend products and cloud technologies.

Cloud & security specialist with focus on Microsoft 365.

Cloud & Security Specialist, with a passion for all things Cybersecurity

Cloud and infrastructure security specialist with background in networking.

Infrastructure architect with focus on design, implementation, migration and consolidation.

Infrastructure consultant with focus on cloud solutions in Office365 and Azure.

Modern workplace and infrastructure architect with a focus on Microsoft 365 and security.

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