Microsoft Intune – Where is my filter used?

Microsoft Intune – Where is my filter used?


Have you started using the awesome filters in MEM? If the answer to this question is NO, then you should get started and try them out. I did a blog post on how to get started with filters and you can read more here


But what if you already have an environment where you use filter?

The customers that I work with use filters and widely deploy to either “all users” or “all devices” where filter make more granular decisions for us. It simply works great, and we cross our fingers for even more granular controls in the future.

But what if I wanted to know where my filter is used?

Currently we have no option to see that in Intune (oh yes, we do, but who wants to go to every single assignment and check?!), this is where Microsoft Graph comes to the rescue!


Create filters in Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Docs

Picture source: Create filters in Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Docs



  • Microsoft Intune
  • Access to Microsoft Graph


Find out where my filter is used

First we go to our browser and look at David Falkus awesome collection of scripts

Go to raw and copy the whole thing.



Go to Windows PowerShell ISE and paste the code:



Click the run button



Insert your username



Insert your filter name:



From the Intune portal you can see the names: (I will try with DeviceName start with AADONLY)



Insert the filter name in the PowerShell window



Let it work and see the results:



Job done and based on these information’s we can determine the risk of changing in the current filter or if we should create a new one and where to replace it.



Using filters in Microsoft Intune is here and supports more and more assignments in Microsoft Intune as we move forward.

Use it where you can, and your environment speed will love you for it.

Happy filtering!

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