Active Directory Schema Versions

Active Directory Schema Versions

In order to check your current Active Directory schema version we can use the attribute objectVersion.

The attribute objectVersion on the schema container object stores the schema version of the forest. This attribute is set during the creation of the first domain in a forest and is changed during schema upgrade after the schema is successfully upgraded to a newer version. In AD DS, to add a DC running a particular Windows Server version to an existing forest, the objectVersion of the forest’s schema container must be greater than or equal to the value for that Windows Server version.

To do the check start adsiedit.msc and select Connect to.


Then select Schema in Select a well known Naming Context:


Expand the Schema node and select properties in the right side on CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=xx,DC=xx (using right click)


Now find the attribute objectVersion


The possible objectVersion values are listed in this table (so this example is taken from an Active Directory Schema with Windows 2012 version):

Version objectVersion
Windows Server 2000 13
Windows Server 2003 30
Windows Server 2003 R2 31
Windows Server 2008 44
Windows Server 2008 R2 47
Windows Server 2012 56
Windows Server 2012 R2 69

You will also be able to use DSQuery as shown here:

dsquery * cn=schema,cn=configuration,dc=xx,dc=xx -scope base -attr objectVersion


And PowerShell:

Get-ADObject -Identity “cn=Schema,cn=Configuration,dc=xx,dc=xx” -Properties objectVersion


Information about Lync Schema versions

Information about Exchange Schema versions:

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